Rebooting or restarting the Netgear wireless range extender has helped many users resolve the technical issues related to the networking device. However, several of them have been complaining that this solution has itself become a problem due to which they are unable to perform even the most minimal tasks like doing login and much more. In case you are standing in the queue, reading this article is much needed.
We are saying this because as you read further, you will explore the reasons as well as the solutions through which you can prevent your Netgear range extender from restarting over and over again. Taking this into account, continue reading. For your information, do not let your mind get stressed in case any of the tips mentioned below fail to assist you. Remind yourself that not solutions are supposed to help you out, just one or two will.
[Fixed] Netgear Extender Keeps Rebooting Issue
1. Check the Electrical Socket
An uninterrupted and adequate power supply is a must for the functioning of any device. Considering your Netgear wireless range extender keeps rebooting, it might be because you did not keep in mind the seriousness of this point. To correct your mistake, you ought to plug your extender into another wall socket. While doing so, you need to ensure that the extender as well as the router is kept in the same room for proper signal transmission.
2. Bring a New Cable to Home
Do not shy away from looking at the cable that has been given the task of maintaining the flow of connection between the Netgear wireless range extender and router. In case you find out that it has cuts on and in it, now is the time when you should bring a new cable to your house for a new connection. This can be done if you leave the blanket and step out of your house. Make sure that the new cable is not damaged from any point.
3. Pull the WiFi Devices Closer
Another reason why you are experiencing the Netgear range extender keeps rebooting issue is not letting you experience the performance of the device to its full potential is that there is way too much distance between the extender and router. Pulling them a tad bit closer will be good for you. In case, this does not help you out, then you may read the following solution given in this post. It might assist you in fixing the issue in debate.
4. Update the Device Firmware
Once the Netgear extender setup process is completed, it is always suggested to users that they update the firmware of the device to ensure that its performance stays top-notch at all times. But, considering you ignored this too, it is no shocker why you are here trying to get a solution to the issue at hand. Thus, update the firmware of your networking device to the most recent version right away. Do not forget to enter the right model when needed.
5. Remove the Signal Blockage
Electronic devices are not right for the functionality of your networking device. The reason being, they can interfere or in other words, mess around with the signals emitted by the Netgear range extender. To remove this from being one of the reasons why this post is being read by you, you should remove electronic devices or relocate your device and see to it that it is not kept near cordless phones, baby monitors, and similar electronic devices.
The Conclusion
The solutions mentioned above might have helped you to put an end to the Netgear extender keeps rebooting issue once and for all. By any chance, in case you have still got your knickers in a twist, resetting your networking device will turn out to be good for you. Now, locate and press the reset button. Avoid doing this with the tip of a pen you have. Only use an oil pin or a paper clip to press the button. Or else, you will be forced to face issues.
As soon as you have put an end to this process, it is recommended that you set up your networking device right from the beginning. This can be done if you use either the WPS or the manual method, also known as the web browser method. Given this, you should read the instructions given in the user manual of your networking device and install your device. By the way, you can also use the Nighthawk app to configure your extender from scratch.