Gauahar shared two videos from the shoot wherein she is seen sporting a printed maxi dress with curly hair and statement earrings. The actress grooved to the beats of a song while being filmed by people she has known all through her career.
There’s also a BTS video capturing all the candid moments. Sharing her joy, Gauahar wrote, “The most special shoot I did as a fully pregnant Gauahar!!!! I chose it with people I love!”
Considering, of late, many pregnant celebs have chosen to bare the bump to celebrate womanhood, there’s a section that promptly recognises how even a covered bump is beautiful and doesn’t make them uncomfortable like the former.
A netizen posted the video on her Instagram story and wrote, “So happy to see a pregnancy photoshoot with a woman who has covered her bump and herself. Call me a prude, but flaunting a bare bump is something that I feel very uncomfortable about.”
Gauahar replied to her, “To each their own dear! I do what I am comfortable with! And so should all women across the world! Shoutout to all women staying strong and individualistic through life! Lots of love!”
Recently, Gauahar and Zaid hosted a baby shower bash which was attended by all their loved ones. Mahhi Vij, Pankhuri Awasthy, Gautam Rode, Preeti Simoes and Neeti Simoes were present to share the couple’s joy.